Once in a lifetime.....

While you're not looking, someone works their way into the crevices of your heart. Although it's not anticipated, and it takes you quite by surprise, before you've had a chance to protest, it's taken hold.

Once in a lifetime.....

Someone opens your eyes to something you never before saw. You see the goodness in individuals, without evaluating the outer layer. Before you even have an opportunity to hear the voice, their words grip you in a way you've never been held.

Once in a lifetime.....

A person wanders into your world, and makes you feel appreciated. For once, someone gives of themselves freely and unconditionally, without asking anything in return.

Once in a lifetime.....

You are someone's shining star. You are thought about, dreamed about, and you feel that you have value. When life deals you a blow, they are there to listen to you, to comfort you, and to put you back together again.

Once in a lifetime.....

Someone believes in you. When those around you shut you out, there's the one.....the only one, that lets you in. The one that tells you about their thoughts and dreams. The one that knows all of yours.

Once in a lifetime.....

Someone points the way beyond the clouds. They show you a world filled with sunshine, and chase away the rain. When the world tells you that it can't be done, they show you how. They cheer you on.

Once in a lifetime.....

Someone comes along that affects you as you never knew that you could be affected. They become your world, the one you pine for, the one you need, the one that truly fulfilles your hopes for future happiness. All your objectives and goals suddenly become clear.

Once in a lifetime.....

Your soulmate leaves your world, and you die a little inside. You mourn for what you've lost, yet you think of them with a smile, for you know that you are now a better person, for them having been in your life.

Once in a lifetime.....

There was you.....

© R. Lamson, 1999